Interior Door Systems - Web Development Project

Client: Interior Door Systems Ltd

Category: Web Design 

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The Brief

Interior Door Systems Ltd required a modern, responsive website to enhance their online presence and showcase their innovative door solutions. The project aimed to improve user experience, integrate multimedia elements, optimize the site for SEO, and provide tools for easy maintenance and lead generation.

  • Develop a contemporary, responsive website aligning with IDS’s brand identity.
  • Enhance user experience with intuitive navigation and engaging content.
  • Integrate multimedia elements like videos, high-resolution images, and interactive features.
  • Optimize the website for search engines (SEO) to increase visibility and reach.
  • Showcase IDS’s innovative door solutions with a detailed product display.
  • Add a readable and downloadable brochure to act as a lead generator.
  • Implement contact forms that direct inquiries to various departments.
  • Ensure the website is easy to use and maintain.
  • Provide staff training for website management and updates.

The Outcome

The new IDS website effectively highlights the company’s high-quality door solutions and extensive product range. It features a user-friendly design, interactive elements, and robust SEO, significantly enhancing IDS’s online presence and attracting new clients.

  • Responsive Design: The website delivers a seamless experience across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Product Showcase: Highlights IDS’s range of interior door solutions with high-resolution images and detailed descriptions.
  • Brochure Integration: Includes a brochure that can be read online and downloaded, serving as an effective lead generator.
  • SEO Optimization: The site is optimized for search engines, improving ranking and attracting more organic traffic.
  • Contact Forms: Easy-to-use forms that route inquiries to the appropriate departments, enhancing communication efficiency.
  • User-Friendly CMS: Provided a content management system for simple updates and maintenance.
  • Staff Training: Conducted training sessions to empower IDS staff to manage and update the website independently.

The comprehensive approach ensured that the IDS website not only looked modern and professional but also functioned as a powerful marketing and communication tool, driving engagement and growth.